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Our Advisory Board


We have spent many years working in the family business sector but always need to make sure that what we are doing is relevant, timely and meets the needs of the Scottish Family Business community.  That's where our Advisory Board comes in, helping to steer our activities.


The purposes of the Advisory Board are to:


  1. Provide overall direction to FBU Scotland;

  2. Provide guidance on the format, structure and content of events;

  3. Provide guidance on educational programmes;

  4. Raise awareness of FBU Scotland across Scotland, mobilise supporters and conduct advocacy and outreach at events and meetings on behalf of the organsiation; and

  5. Encourage and facilitate collaboration between FBU Scotland and other relevant organisations.


The members of the Advisory Board are:


  • Tom Craig , Craig Corporate - Chairman

  • Paul Andrews, Family Business United

  • Alexander Garden, Turcan Connell

  • John Anderson, University of Strathclyde

  • Dr Claire Seaman, Queen Margaret University


FBU Scotland Founder

Paul Andrews

FBU Scotland Chairman

Tom Craig

University of Strathclyde

John Anderson

Queen Margaret University

Professor Claire Seaman

Turcan Connell

Jack Gardiner

Craig Corporate

Paul Bready

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